FAM April Newsletter

FAM Prayer Points

- Pray for our Foothills Calvary foster/adoptive families – that they have wisdom and discernment

as they parent the children in their families and for peace, endurance and strength as they

continue their journey loving on kids from tough places.

- Pray that children in foster care feel safe, loved and a sense of belonging in their foster homes,

schools, churches and community.

- Pray for the caseworkers, judges, lawyers, therapists, teachers and those working to support

kids and families within Jefferson County. May they have the strength, compassion, and wisdom

to do what’s best for these families.

- Pray for our Kids Night Out on April 22 nd – that kids feel safe, seen, and have fun during the

event. That 0ur volunteers feel secure in their trainings as they engage with kids, be seen as

positive adult role models, and have fun!

REFRESHER TRAUMA TRAINING - Saturday, April 15 th at 10:30-12:00pm

FAM Leaders, Nate and Falon Simmons and Children’s Director, Shevy Gallegos will be providing a

Trauma Training Refresher for those who missed the March 5th training.  Please come as we facilitate a

quick review of what trauma is and how we at Foothills Calvary use strategies to provide a safe and fun

environment for children and volunteers we meet at FAM events or in Childrens classrooms.  This is a

great opportunity to meet and fellowship with other volunteers who serve in Childrens or FAM at

Foothills Calvary.  If you attended the March 5th training, we would love for you to come to add to the

discussion and fellowship.  Plus, we’ll have snacks!!  Please reply to this email and let me know if you

can attend so we have enough for everyone.

Additional trauma training can be found on the Foothills Calvary website under the FAM Ministry

section, or by clicking here.

Kids Night Out (KNO)-Saturday, April 22 nd 5-8pm –VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!

We will be hosting our quarterly Kids Night Out for kids in foster care or adoptive families. We aim to

host these events once a quarter to give kids a fun evening to just be kids and their families a much-

deserved evening off. For April’s KNO we will be doing a STEM Theme by having several science-themed

stations with Chick-fil-a dinner and watch Big Hero 6 in the sanctuary.

On Monday, Falon sent an email to the families who had attended the last KNO, within 2 hours 3 of

those families signed up and 1 new family. Praise God that we had a positive impact on these kids and

their foster parents!!

We can’t host these events without your help so please consider volunteering. Reminder – all

volunteers need to complete a Servants Application, complete and have a current background check

on file at Foothills Calvary as well as completed Trauma Training.

If you are unable to volunteer, there are many supplies that we are in need of to ensure that the science

stations/experiments run smoothly. Please consider donating. The list can be found at the Community

Engagement kiosk or by clicking here.

Calvary Belmar